For You to Review

I have been busy writing my latest book these past weeks. Thats why you haven't seen the Psychic Tip of the Day! This is the time of year when I receive messages about what and how to present handy psychic tips. While I was asking for direction from my guides and angels, I kept hearing i needed to start pulling together what I have taught in workshops and written to create a series of books for you. The First book is called Haunted - A Psychic's Story. I will be releasing it in the Kindle for Halloween 2016. I am really excited about it. There will be other books too in the Psychic's Story Series.  I am outlining them now. It will be fun to share them with you and hear what you have to say about them.

You have asked about the Lucy Prophet Psychic Girl series as well. The next Lucy Book will be available for Christmas. I am excited about this series as it is a contemporary story. 

What would you do if you won the lottery? 

The interesting part about Lucy Prophet Psychic Girl is that I imagined what the Characters from a Soul Group's Journey would be like in the future? Can you match up the characters in A Soul Group's Journey with the characters in Lucy Prophet's book? If you have read both books let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are! 

Reviews are gold for an author, so please remember to review the books! It help me know you enjoyed the book or have questions about it. Click on the kindle links below to download to your kindle!

From 10/15-10/17 A Soul Group's Journey and The Book of Yzabelle are free to download on the Kindle. Check them out and let me know what you think of each story. Yes there is more to come for both of these novels. 

A Soul Group's Journey is a heartwarming and heartbreaking story of how a Soul Group came together for their last lifetime on Sirius B. 

Benjan - The story starts with a single soul's quest to find the one true being that will compliment him. On the way he meets his soul family and learns how to love unconditionally.

Airel - Her journey is about change and maturity, accepting responsibility and trusting her intuition and instinct.

Xtapa - Fun, Fun, Fun and spoiling herself and others, this is Xtapa. She is dark and lovely and ready for everyone to acknowledge that!  

Blessed Star - Her clarity of heart and mind is an inspiration to everyone she touches. 

Rain - A Sage among his people, will he embrace change and leave his 'status' behind for a fresh start?

Raven - The most loving!

Web - Always up for a challenge, will she be able to see past pettiness and become the great leader she was meant to be?

What starts out to be a journey to find one specific being ends up being an epic tale of synchronistic events that creates a new way of being for so many of the elves that live on Sirius B.  

This novel is about change and all of the magic, joy, courage, compassion and love these beings have for one another. 


“There will be a time when the land of Telgira is torn with war. The first war will end when the Queen from the north marries the King of Telgira. She will bring with her the daughter of the Goddess, the aspect Hope. It is her destiny to bring Hope and Unity to the land and she will be granted many gifts and she will share her gifts with her people. The wars will cease and there will be peace throughout the countries of the north.” 

Will the Prophecy be fulfilled? Will Yzabelle be able to see beyond the circumstances of her life? Will she be able to forgive herself for all of the lives she took in order to keep her kingdom safe? What will happen when she is ordered to lay her sword down and marry the enemy? 

Check out the books and let me know what you think!
Keep your Hearts open and aligned with the Energy of Love!


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