A Gang of Girls Radio - Thriving!

Being a Host of  A Gang of Girls Radio has introduced me to some very awesome people. A Gang of Girls Radio will be three years old this Fall.  I was pretty stoked when Todd Bates asked me if I wanted to host a show. I didn't know a thing about being a radio host. I did research and listened to other hosts. As I learned the show became more organized and the guests started calling me. 

I am grateful the show gives me a platform to share everyones talents and stories. The show helps us see our community as a loving, sharing community with different opinions and ways of being, but still a community. 

Recently I have done three interviews that were awesome experiences for me and you. 

The first interview was with a very gifted lady Cinnamon Mancini! She gave us such awesome information about psychism, what is psychism? Psychism is when a psychic reads you. What does a psychic read? A psychic reads your energy field. They are able to see whats in there and assist you in that way.

What is a psychic medium? A psychic medium is some who can connect with those loved ones who have passed through the veils and more. 

Cinnamon's story of how she became who she is today is really is an incredible story. Meet Cinnamon listen to her show click here     

Dianne Bischoff James is my Hero! Read her book the Real Brass Ring, it will change your life. It changed my life. Dianne has completely changed her life in the past ten years. Yes it has taken ten years. She is very happy, healthy and whole. She is thriving! Listen to Dianne's story here.

Sharon Sampsel is a very realistic psychic. She let our audience know what her opinion is! I really like her opinions and her idea of Thriving instead of surviving for everyone. She teaches an awesome workshop to assist us with Thriving on all levels of our lives. Sharon has great stories about being psychic and what it is like. Sharon right now is traveling and she also hosts her own Radio show - Psychic Talk in Sacramento California.  I invite you to listen to the show by clicking here

A Gang of Girls Radio 8pm Central live Monday nights. You can join us in the live chatroom to ask questions and get answers.  


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