A Gang of Girls Radio

I think my favorite interviews were with Sophia Temperelli - The Ghost Host. She took us on a tour of the ship the Queen Mary. It was awesome and her knowledge of the Queen Mary is extensive! Sophia was able to give us great descriptions of the spirits who live and interact on the Queen and share their stories with us. We were able to share photos of the ship through our chatroom so our listeners could see this incredible ship.
Sophia has a Live show on Saturdays on LiveParanormal.com, 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm primetime U.K. GMT! She has awesome paranormal guests on her show.
My next favorite interview was with Grace - Good Evening I See Dead People
Grace is eloquent and she gave us great information about spirit and her faith is so wondrous. The interview was compelling and her book is honest and focused on the information she and her guides want to share with the world. Follow the link above and check out Good Evening I See Dead People. It is a very refreshing and fulfilling book.
A Gang of Girls Radio is a great way to connect with you. I do appreciate all the emails I recieve about your experiences and your enjoyment of the show. If there is something you want to know about in the paranormal, metaphysica, spiritual realm we haven't covered please let us know through email. I love hearing from you! I learn with you as we delve into new topics and depths.
We have some really great guests coming up on A Gang of Girls Radio we look forward to sharing with you.
A Gang of Girls Radio is looking for sponsors for our show. You can get the word out about you and your business through commercials and shout outs. You can go to http://www.247thestream.com/index.php/advertise and check out your options. We love supporting our community!
Join us every Monday night 8pm Central for our live shows! Let us know what you think and come visit us at Elevated Delights in Naperville. We love it when people walk in and say - I heard your show last week!
Thanks for your support!
Auriel Grace
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