Psychic Tip of the Day - Psychic Kids

Some of the people and children who have ADHD and ADD are the result of our technical age. I have experience working with adults and kids who have this experience in their lives. This experience is caused by over stimulation, trauma, spirit attachments, lack of good food and chemical imbalance in the brain.

When a person is over stimulated from too many computer games or television this can cause a lack of focus. Limit time playing games and watching television.

Diet is a huge cause of this imbalance also. 

Stop eating processed foods, high fructose corn syrup is poison. Processed foods are bad for the physical body and the physical body does not know what to do with them. This includes diet foods and drinks. If you want to go on a diet start eating good fruits and vegetables, chicken, turkey, fish. The poultry and fish have fewer hormones in them and are easier on the body and mind. A cow has a lot of hormones and can cause imbalance. This is for children and adults. Wean yourselves off of processed foods. Exercise is also good for the body and mind, the hormones released while exercising helps with upliftment and optimism.

The first step is to learn how to focus. This takes effort. One must discipline the mind to focus on the task at hand. It is changing how the brain works.  When you find you are having difficulty as an adult you must center yourself, take a deep breath and connect to your higher self. When you do this you will feel a sense of relief. Always when connecting with your higher self, guides or angels you will feel better.

The meditations here are guided or journey meditations. These meditations were inspired to assist you on your journey! Try the Cosmic Dragon with your kids! Enjoy!

As far as children go, pay attention to your children.  When children are diagnosed with these imbalances it is because of lack of love and affection from parents. They are acting out to get your attention. I understand the need to make a living and sometimes there is only one parent. Find ways of spending time with your children and paying attention to them.

Psychic Kids are very intelligent and are often bored in school due to lack of imagination and more interesting subject matter. Your child might do better in a Montessori setting. Also the child may need spiritual/ metaphysical/quantum physics in their lives to help them understand their gifts.

Make your home a sanctuary for your family including them on the decorating and maintenance of your home.  Clear out whatever you don't like, have grown out of and donate or give it away. Yard sales are a great way to get to know your neighbors. 

Make sure your children's bedrooms are clean and organized. Spray rose oil in their rooms, this will raise the resonance of the room and help to comfort them. 

Simplify your lives. If you have debt, consolidate or file for bankruptcy. One parent work full time and the other part time.  Your children will mature and grow faster than you know it and be on their own. Then you will have time to further yourself. If you are running your kids everywhere for sports or lessons they do not want to do, ask them what they want. Have them do less and you spend more one on one time with them.
Remember you and your children agreed before this life to be together. When did you want to start doing that?


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