Angelic Tip of the Day - Attaining World Peace

This is a question that comes up a lot during the Group Channelings ~

How can we as individuals be at Peace while the rest of the world struggles?

Archeia Hope's answer to this question - 

First you must remember when you see this idea in the media and get hooked into that drama/idea you add energy to this idea/drama. When you talk about struggle, recession, starving children in Africa and give it the negativity that the media gives it you are adding to this type of energy. You make it real.

Humans have a saying - Do not believe everything you hear and see on TV or in the newspapers. ~ You should remember this idea as you go about your day.

We ~ The Archeia ~ say look to the beauty, goodness, wondrousness of your Earth. Put your energy there. Strive to be at Peace with yourself in your world. You make this real when you add energy to this idea. Such a better idea!

To bring Peace, Love, Joy, Compassion to the world you must be at Peace. This helps the Mass Consciousness shift into Peace starts with you and your clarity, one person at a time.

Clear out emotions, thoughts, actions, relationships and those possessions you have that no longer serve you. Lighten your load. 

As you release these old patterns that no longer serve you, you will start to see that the propaganda from the media no longer troubles you. This is the beginning of you loving yourself unconditionally. As you love yourself so you shall be loved. 

This is the first steps of creating a better world for yourself and your family.

Remember you are created in the likeness of your Creator ~ You are perfect and wondrous! We encourage you to create a life full of wonder, love, compassion, joy and peace. The Creator created your Earth, your Heaven on Earth! How wondrous is that?

You must also remember this is a Free Will Planet. Everyone has a choice as to how they live their life and so do you. So live your life!

We are Archeia Hope, Divine Compliment of our beloved Arch Angel Gabriel.

Auriel Grace
A Gang of Girls


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