Angelic Tip of the Day

The question ~ What is going to happen in 2012 always comes up during group channelings. Archeia Hope usually answers this question. She asked me to allow her to write down her answer too as She wishes to share with more people Her answer to this question.

IAM Archeia Hope, I am the Divine Compliment of my Beloved Arch Angel Gabriel. Today I intend to answer the question of the year 2012. First I want to write about the Archeia.

We the Archeia are the Divine Compliments of the Arch Angels. We have never walked the Earth. We are a vibration. I am the Vibrations of Hope. I celebrate and sing this vibration with the Earth constantly. The Earth is a living being. She is more powerful than most people give Her credit for. She has a better understanding of evolution than humans do. She wants Humans to think about how they like to be treated and treat Her the same. She wants to remind you that nature is always in action. When you observe what you call natural disasters she wants you to understand that these ~disasters ~ are natural. It is a course of Nature. We want you to understand this so you do not think you are being punished.

Next we want to say this ~ your Creator does not punish anyone or thing. 

Your Creator is Joy, Love, Unconditionality. Your Creator wants you to understand this and bring yourself back into the place that you are that as well. We the Archeia can help you take the steps to this space. This is our focus to remind you how wondrous you are and you live on a wondrous planet that is ever evolving.

Now that we have given you this information we will speak of 2012.

The shift of 2012 is already happening. It is a mass consciousness shift. In this shift you are experiencing a different way of being on all levels of your beingness. You are being promted to release all ways that do not serve you and to be in a space of unconditionality. You are being promted to simplify your lives, get back to your core. Be present in your lives and your beloveds.

The 2012 is already happening, you are living it right now. Many ideas and ways of being are changing so be flexible and see what resonates with you. Follow your heart and allow yourself to live the life you choose. It truly is OK for you to do so. So figure out what resonates with your heart and start to move into that flow. Trust your inner guidance and clear yourself of all thoughts and actions that no longer serve you.

It is OK for you to ask for guidance on your journey. There are many Ascended Masters, who are ready to aid you. We are here to aid you. This is our focus so allow us to help you.

IAM Archeia Hope, Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Gabriel ~ We love you, We Bless you!

Auriel Grace 
A Gang of Girls


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