Psychic Tip of the Day - Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings

I have been doing Intuitive Readings for many years. Recently I have been asked, what is an Intuitive Reading? So I have thought about how clear I could explain it too you – my customers and friends. Here is my answer ~

Every living being on this planet is multi dimensional. This means there is more to the living being than meets the eye. The living being is emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. The Living being is also intuitive and instinctual.

When I do an intuitive reading I focus on the multi dimensional being I am reading for, each being has guides, fairies, angels and other beings of light and dark. Everyone has these being with them to guide guard and protect them.

There is a difference between a disincarnate or hitchhiker and a guide. Sometimes the Living Being cannot tell the difference because they are not trained to see and hear them. When the Living Being has a hitchhiker, during a reading it can be dispatched easily and graciously.

For most readings I hear your guides before I see them. It is all like they come to muster because I can translate to you, the customer, what I am hearing and seeing from them, their message or guidance for you.

This is an intuitive reading. I do not use cards. I channel information for you through your guides for your messages.

I am Clairaudient, that means that I can hear your guides. I am Clairvoyant, that means I can see your guides.

This is the essence of an intuitive reading. When you as a customer have an intuitive reading the best way to phrase your questions is How can I - ? When you phrase your question like this you open yourself to a clear answer. One of the things I always remind my customers is that nothing is written in stone. You life is up to you and the decisions you make during and after your reading. This is a free will planet always remember that when you receive a reading. So gather the information and make your decisions accordingly.


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