Form & Structure - Trigonal, large defined points or small clusters
Color - ranges from pale yellow to golden brown
Geography - Canada, France, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, Spain, USA
Rarity - Natural Citrin gem quality is rare. Consult a specialist - gemologist.
Moh's 7
Brazil is the leading producer of citrine, with much of its production coming from the state Rio Grande de Sol. The name is derived from Latin citrine which means 'yellow; and is also the origin of the word 'citron.'
Folklore & History -
Citrine has been loved for thousands of years. The word was first used in 1385 to refer to yellow gemstones. This November birthstone has become a symbol of manifestation, wealth, and imagination. Its yellow hues evoke the warmth of the sun and life-giving energy.
In ancient times, people believed that citrine gemstones could calm tempers, soothe anger, and manifest desires. To leverage these powers, Egyptians used citrine gemstones as talismans, the ancient Greeks carved iconic images into them, and Roman priests fashioned them into rings.
Crystal lore states that Citrine is one of the only stones that doesn't retain negative energy, but instead deflects it. As such, it is excellent in charms against lethargy and depression.
Physical/ Emotional - Assists with stimulating creative thinking and inspiration, freeing the mind of limitations. Assists with turning ideas into reality.
Healing Effects - In healing layouts, place on the forehead to increase creative inspiration or over the solar plexus area to clear tension from upper abdomen.
Personal Uses - place in your personal space to bring good fortune and abundance. Meditate with Citrine for mental clarity
Put in your safe, money bag or coin purse for prosperity/
Form & Structure - Orthorhombic system, with glass like transparency
Fault lines often visible along one plane
granular clusters can be large
Color - golden yellow, clear, orange, red, green, blue (heat treated clear topaz)
Brazil, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, USA
Rarity - easily obtained as unpolished specimens from crystal suppliers set in jewelry
Moh's 8
History and Folklore
Traditional legends claimed that topaz could harness the power of the sun.
The name for imperial topaz originated in nineteenth-century Russia. At the time, the Ural Mountains were topaz's leading source, and the pink gemstone mined there was named to honor the Russian czar. Ownership of the gem was restricted to the royal family.
The ancient Greeks believed that topaz could make a wearer invisible. The gem was also thought to calm anger and balance strong emotions. A symbol of honor and strength, topaz was believed to bring longevity and wisdom.
Physical/ Emotionally - assists with clarifying intent linked to higher purpose, helping a person pursue their true path.
clears the head and improves concentration.
Clears the solar plexus chakra of negativity
Healing layout - place over the third eye chakra to clear the mind to open for higher wisdom.
Good Sleep Recipe - Rose Quartz - trigonal system, found in massive deposits and also in clusters of crystal points Color - Pink, deep rose to pale pink Geography - Brazil, India, Madagascar, USA, easily obtained Moh’s 7 Supports the heart chakra in all ways, encourages and awakens an appreciation of beauty Wear over the heart to attract love into your life Place in your home to create peace and harmony Amethyst - trigonal crystal system, forming long prismatic crystals with six sides points, smaller clusters, large masses Color - dark vivid purple, in a variety of shades to pale lilac Geography - Africa, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Russia, USA, Easily obtained Moh’s 7 Physical/ Emotional - Enhances spiritual awareness Personal - wear or carry amethyst to help calm mental stress, place under pillow to improve the quality of sleep Selenite - Form & Structure - Transparent or translucent crystals in a monoclinic system, forming in flat faced tabula...
Gratitude - Gratitude, thankfulness or gratefulness, from the Latin word gratus "pleasing, thankful", is a feeling of appreciation felt by and/or similar positive response shown by the recipient of kindness, gifts, help, favors, or other types of generosity, to the giver of said gifts. The difference between Gratitude & Thankful The Oxford Dictionary defines the word thankful as “pleased and relieved.” Both of those are great feelings. ... The Oxford Dictionary defines the word grateful as “showing an appreciation of kindness.” This is where the difference lies; being thankful is a feeling, and being grateful is an action. When I lived in Colorado, my friend Vicki taught me about being present with my gratitudes. She helped me rewire my brain to help me be open to receive what life had to offer. We started writing our gratitudes/Intentions - keeping journals. As word smiths we were able to write some pretty lines, lines that resonated with us to help us with ...
Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith Archangels and angels are created to serve the Creator and Mankind. In other words the angels are our helpers, they help us, by different kinds of guidance. When you receive guidance, remember to say thank you. You do not have to elaborate, leave offerings or anything like that as the Angels were created to assist our Creator and us Humans, Be polite, say thank you. Archeia are the divine feminine Archangels. Most of the archeia are compliments for Archangels. Remember not to humanize Angels. They are Angels, we are humans, totally different living beings. The angels do not punish, or force a way of being. Angels assist us with raising our resonance. Angels are not religious, they are love. You don’t need to worship the angels to accept guidance for you. All you have to do is say thank you. Archangel Michael & Archeia Faith are the Archangels in charge of the Guardian angels. What ...
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