


Have you been taking time for yourself? You should be up to 10 minutes now? How do you feel? 


You have asked me how do I know where to start when I am working with you energetically during a reading. I start by checking your chakras and anything blocking my seeing the chakras. 


Chakras can give big insight on how a person is doing energetically. By clearing the chakras, you are able to come back to center, ground yourself and be more comfortable in your human body. 


Generally a chakra is bright in their color, moving at a comfortable speed for you. Not all of your chakras will be spinning at the same rate. You don’t want them to spin at the same rate, they are in different areas and this can cause imbalance.  They are about 2-3 inches in diameter and they are a tube – there are openings front and back.


I encourage you to focus on your chakras and feel how they are connected to your physical body. For example if you focus on your heart chakra and the speed in which it is spinning, feel how that feels in your body, now try to speed up the heart chakra a little bit and feel your body. Your heart beat has picked up, if you go too far you will start to sweat, will have to take deep breaths to focus and slow the Heart chakra down to a comfortable speed. 


I used the Heart Chakra because it is connected to our lungs, heart, diaphragm, arms, skin, hair, nails, immune system, upper body muscular system and our Thymus Gland. 


You will feel an immediate difference of your heart beating faster by spinning the heart chakra faster.


Now if I notice your heart is working too hard or is imbalanced somehow, I will start to work there. I may ask you to take a couple of breaths to see if I can regulate and clear out whatever is causing the imbalance or energy drainage. 


You also may have energy cording in your chakras that can cause energy drainage and imbalance with your health. This is why cord cutting ceremony is good for maintenance. I will cut cords during a session, but my focus will be only on what I see or feel. 


Lady Nada helps me a lot with energy healing and she will direct me to the place that will help you for your higher and better good. 


Tonight what I want to do is go through the chakras and give you information about what each chakra effects.  This will help you maintain your chakras and your human body for the best physical, mental and emotional outcomes for yourself. 


Root Chakra – Base of spine, Red, pelvic floor, lumbar spine, kidneys, bladder, colon, bone skeletal system and teeth, Adrenal, prostrate

Challenge -  Fear


Sacral Chakra – two fingers below Belly button – Orange – pelvic region, reproductive organs, kidney, bladder, lymphatic system, ovaries and testes

Challenge – Guilt


Solar Plexus Chakra – Above the navel – Yellow Digestive System, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, metabolism adrenals, pancreas

Challenge – Shame


Heart Chakra – beneath the breastbone – Pink or Green – Hearts, lungs, diaphragm, arms, skin, hair, nails, immune system, upper body, muscular system, Thymus 

Challenge – Grief


Heart Soul Retrieval to release grief, unrequited love, broken heart, abandonment issues – 2/8-2/15 50% off


Throat Chakra – neck -  sky blue – neck, cervical spine, shoulders, teeth gums, lips, tongue, ears, ear canal, jaw, thyroid, parathyroid 

Challenge – Lies


Third Eye Chakra – between eyebrows – indigo – pineal gland, eyes, forehead brain

Challenge Illusion


Crown Chakra  - crown of head – violet or white – pituitary or pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system

Challenge- Attachment 


How to maintain your chakras? Find a a chakra meditation that resonates with you and practice at least once a month or check mine out on my website click on the meditation tab. You can also check out the Clarity 101 Tab for more information on chakras as well. I will be sharing those blogs this week on A Gang of Girls Radio Page this week for you to read and use some of the ideas to assist you on your path! 

Chakra Meditation


Have a wonderful week! Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!

Auriel Grace 















  1. An Auriel, is a rare find, very professional and elegant with incredible skills as a healer. She made me feel welcome, when deep down I was a nervous and emotional wreck. The session It lasted nearly over 1 hour and she picked up on so much in me! I was shocked and taken back but it all made sense. Auriel, you are very gifted, and the healing was amazing! I feel different, light and clear...well worth it ! Peace and much Love from Chicago, Adriana

    1. Thank you so much Adriana! :)


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