Psychic Tip of the day - Meditation

We get to welcome in October! This is the time of year to practice your intuitive gifts and feel that confidence grow as you continue to practice. I was watching a series on Netflix last week that is about how the mind works. There was one segment that showed how the mind does so much better when we take time daily to meditate. Take three minutes twice a day to do this for a week. After one week bring your time up to five minutes.

Now you will have 'monkey mind'. That is to say, your brain will cycle through the events of the day. Let it. Let the thoughts cycle through. After the mind settles allow it to quiet down. Don't worry about a focus or mantra. Just quiet your mind.

After about a month you should be up to 8-10 minutes a day. You will find your mind will want that peace, you will feel it pull toward that. You will also start to notice you are present and seeing how beautiful the day is or feeling a lot calmer from this simple exercise.

The quieting of the mind helps build those intuitive gifts, it helps you focus and relax into your confidence. Try it, you never know what wonderful thing might happen because of it. 

Let me know about your progress! 

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!


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