Aura's & Colors
Have you ever had an aura picture taken? What did it look like, did you resonate with it? Our Aura's or Energy Fields are a beautiful reflection of our being. The aura tells us so much about ourselves and others.
How can you see your Aura? You can scry. Go into a room that has a mirror, turn down the lights, look up or down. Take a breath and relax. Make an intention to see your aura and what is within your aura.
When I start an intuitive reading, the first thing I connect with is your aura or energy field. Everyone is colorful. Within the aura there are symbols within your energy field, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters reside within your aura. While you are looking at your energy field you may also see their forms. Exciting!
Practice seeing your energy field, flex your intuitive muscles!
Here are basic Colors for your energy field. Remember there are shades of all these colors.
Positive - Rich, Power, Mystery, Elegance, Strength
Negative - Negative
Red -
Positive - Courage, Strength, Energy, Creative
Negative - Irritable, Fiery, Temper, Destructive
Orange -
Positive - Vitality, Joy, Loves Life
Negative - Fearful, Lazy, Careless
Yellow -
Positive - Cheer, Warmth, Energy, Optimism
Negative - Attention Getter,
Green -
Positive - Genuine, Practical
Negative - Materialistic, Selfish,
Blue -
Positive - Artistic, Spiritual Seeker, Imaginative
Negative - Moody, Critical, snobbish
Purple -
Positive - Artistic, Spiritual Teacher, Artistic
Negative - Prejudiced, Liar, Disloyal
Violet -
Positive - True, Greatness, High Spiritual Nature, Mystic,
Negative - Selfish, cunning, Spiteful
Pink -
Positive - Tenderness, Sensitive, Caring, Emotional, Sympathetic, Love, Sexuality
Here is an aura picture of me taken about five years ago - what do you see? If you have an aura picture look at it and figure out what is going on for you.
Remember to keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!
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