Psychic Tip of the Day - Pink Energy Blankets

A couple of weeks ago, Archeia Hope mentioned energy practice by visualizing the United States in a pink energy blanket to bring about love, peace and unity to the United States or any country of the world. 

This is what you do - 

Visualize a map of the United States or any country you are working with, blanketed in pink and hold the visual while feeling Love for the land, the people, the government etc.

You can do this every day, any day, for any amount of time. For those of you that do Reiki, use the Reiki II symbols by placing them on the map while you are feeling and sending Love. For those of you who are Deeksha Blessing givers, give a Deeksha blessing while sending Love. 

Here is what it looks like - 
Spin a vortex to clear your energy field
Fill yourself with light
Say this Mantra while connecting to your Heart Chakra and breathing Light into your chakra
- I am Love, 
Visualize your country, state, town, family, friends etc and release the energy of Love to your target. 
Do this for however long you feel comfortable doing it. 

Remember Energy is Energy, it has no limits or boundaries, so for those who are open to receive Love, they will absorb and utilize the energy for their higher and better good. 

Think about this, if we all did this on daily, what do you think would happen?

Happy LOVE Month!
Keep your Heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE


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