Psychic Tip of the Day - Service

How often do you do something for someone else just for the wonderful feeling you get from the action? 

How often do you feel inspired to do good for others? Do you follow through with your inspiration? 

I often talk about keeping your heart open and aligned with the energy of love. When you can do that and keep that energy flowing through you it helps us with empathy, understanding and compassion. That way when we are inspired to help others, the action comes from out hearts, divine action. 

What does the above have to do with service? 

Those ideas are part of doing service for others. Just doing something nice for some because you can.  Doesn't that give you the warm fuzzy feeling? 

That is personal service. Then there is what I call 'community' service. This is when we do volunteer work, building houses, gardens, helping thrift stores. charities and more. 

When you do this kind of work it is always wonderful to see the interactions of our community and the community comes together to work for a goal. 

I always encourage people to do service, it is good for your heart and soul. 

There is such a thing as karmic service too. Karmic service helps us balance out our karma in a big way. 

I will give you an example of both personal and community karmic service. 

I lived in Taos for about nine months. I knew I wouldn't live there for long when I landed in Taos and I knew I had some work to do as far as growth. Big growth!

Arriving in Taos I found myself volunteering for a place called the Shared Table at the Methodist church. There were three days when free lunches were served. We also put together donated items specifically for families with infants/toddlers to give to out. I met some very interesting people there. I was balancing some community karma there. There were a couple of past lives where I wasn't a very nice person and this is how I decided to balance out my bad treatment of my community in the past by giving to the community in this lifetime. 

I also met several people during this time, younger people. These people were runaways, abused and misled youths. I assisted them with getting to the next step in life or getting them safely back home. Balancing karma with them as well. 

We also cleared two graveyards while we were there too. Raising the resonance of Taos and bringing it into better harmony. Community service with the Earth. 

While doing this work, I didn't think I was balancing karma. I was doing what I was inspired to do. Following through with out being paid back or feeling as though I should be paid for the services. As I look back at these events I see that by doing these services I was released from being in Taos, I really don't like New Mexico, so as soon as my service was up there new doors opened and I was able to move. I very gratefully left Taos and moved onto my next adventure. 

I did feel like many burdens were released from my shoulders as I did my service in Taos, so by the time I left I did feel lighter and brighter. 

Do you have times during your life where you were guided to serve others or do something nice for someone, just because? How did it make you feel?

I always encourage everyone if you are inspired, help out where you can. Be kind and follow your heart, you never know what will happen and it might give back to you in many wondrous ways. 

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!



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