Psychic Tip of the Day - Love & Courtship

Love & Courtship

When I was in high school I had a friend who couldn't figure out why my dates would buy me flowers, candy, gifts and take me to nice places. She even went to the extreme of trying to get these the guys I was dating to date her. She would always end up in the backseat with these guys 'putting out.' The guys that dated her didn't take her out, didn't buy her gifts nor really pay attention to her. This really upset her so she asked me what I did to get all this great attention.

I let her know that the back seat of a car naked, is not where we ended our dates nor was it the focus of our dates. Getting to know each other was what the date was about.  

The art of courtship or dating is something of the past which is regrettable as it is fun to get to know each other. It is fun to go out and do things together, communicate and decide if you enjoy the other persons company. 

Todd and I used to have movie nights. He lived in Ohio and I lived in Chicago. He would put a movie on his computer with me on the iPad and thats one of the ways we spent time together. 

How creative are you with your dates and do they always have to end up in the bedroom with your clothes off?

Dating is - getting to know each other - going on dates, communicating, listening, considering, talking, sharing, thats dating. 

Courtship is the next step, it is getting to know each other on a deeper level with the idea that  you have a goal, long term relationship, marriage. 

Have you experienced that? 

I do a lot of readings with people who are looking for 'the one' or in relationship with someone who is not for their highest good so they don't have to be alone. 

I asked the 'Love Goddesses' that assist me with my life to assist you with your life. Here is Aphrodite's advice for those who are seeking love or sex.

Let us first say - You are 'the One'. You are 'the one' you have been looking for. Once you realize this you stop searching and start seeing everything you have ever wanted is within you. When you do this your energy shifts into oneness. Once you are in this space, you will attract others who also are in this energetic space of oneness. This is the time you will find 'the other one'. 

How do you do this? How do you see you are the one? Get to know yourself. You are an individual with individual tastes. What are they? Open your heart, align with the energy of love for yourself. 

Look at your environment, you are a reflection of your environment. What in your environment makes you feel good? What causes discomfort? Find the courage and love within yourself to change it. 

Take as much time as you need, to discover 'the one.' You! 

Honor yourself when considering potential mates. Make sure you are comfortable with them and the environment in which you spend time, If you are not there are plenty of potential mates to choose from on planet Earth. Be open to new experiences, new people and new places, widening your search. 

Romance is an art, practice being romantic with yourself. This way you will know what you like romantically. Take yourself on a date. What do you want to do on a date? Start there first. Open yourself for potential. 

These are concepts for you to consider. 

We want to remind you that sex is not love. If you want to have sex there are plenty of humans who want to do that as well. Give yourself permission to discover your sexuality. Sex is not love or romantic, it is sex, lust. These acts are powerful as well.

Be honest with yourself about what you want, loving relationship or sex. 

Remember to be responsible with your bodies and protect your body against disease. 

This is loving the self. Loving the self is most important. 

Call upon us for assistance and guidance about finding 'the one' and loving yourself! We are happy to serve you!

Aphrodite - Goddess of Love and Beauty



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