Psychic Tip of The day - Authentic

Psychic Tip of The day -  Authentic

When I was around thirty years old I had to make a decision that broke my heart and my very dysfunctional family. I had move from a place I truly loved and resonated with and move across an ocean and a continent to Virginia. 

I realized that although I lived in my dream location, I was unhappy, stressed out and constantly having to go out of my way to make ends meet. I decided to change the quality of my life. I did not know if Virginia was a long term solution but it took my sons and I out of a bad situation into a better situation.

That was my first true step onto this path of discovering myself. There have been many steps since that time. I have lived all over this country and assisted many people and I also have been assisted and blessed in my travels. 

One of the First questions I was asked by one of my teachers was - 

Who are you?

She did not mean my name either - she meant - Who are you?

Now I am asking you the same thing - Who are you? Do you know?

Lets break it down. At that time I had a bunch of ideas of what I thought I should be. Were they my own ideas? I surely wasn't resonating with them. With the assistance of my teacher and the support of my mother I was able start clearing my heartache and getting through all the goo and cooties to get to my core.

It has taken me twenty years to get to a place of feeling comfortable with myself. Feeling like I am authentically me. I am still discovering me and now it is fun, now it is joyful.

Many of the people I teach say - I want to be just like you. I want to be able to use m gifts just like you. It is a true compliment but I say, why? 

You are you, you find your way. 

There are many ways, modalities to clear out your goo and cooties. There are a great many ideas, handy tips and tricks in this blog. I suggest you read it.

Start with clearing your heart. Reiki, Chakra, Soul Retrieval what ever it takes to start with this step. It will Change your life for the better. It changed mine, I am created from the same substance as you. The substance is Love. 

The other part is, yes you will change as you get closer to your core, your essence. Your friends will change too. People might even think you are crazy, mean, harsh etc. 

It doesn't matter what they think/feel.

What matters is how you truly think/feel.  


Who are you?


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