Psychic Tip of the Day - Vow of Obedience

Vow of Obedience The act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person

It forms part of the vows that Christian monks and nuns must make to enter the consecrated life.
The vow of obedience dates back to the beginning of days as humans roamed the Earth. We vow to be obedient to our parents and elders, Gods and Goddesses and leaders to our villages, towns, states and countries. The vow is embedded in our souls.
The vow of obedience keeps us entangled in other people ways of being and not our own. The vow stops us from discovering what is are own and what we might enjoy or know. It is knotted in the Solar Plexus or our Will Center.

What are you willing to do and how are you willing to do it?

By releasing this vow you are enabled to release relationships that not for your highest good. You stop worrying about what other people think or expect of you. It keeps other from putting their influence on you and your life. 

Strengthen your core. Release the Vow of Obedience

During our lifetimes on this planet we have taken vows that resonated with us in each lifetime. Because we took those vows over and over in each lifetime we carry that energy into each life. Everyone has had past lives taking the vows or been influenced somehow by these vows.


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