Channeling Angels - Archeia Hope

When I first started to channel the Archeia, my thought was, why me?

Hope informed me that I have been her messenger through all time and space in many ways. This lifetime I chose to be a trance channel for her. 

What does that mean? It means that I fully incorporate the Archeia so they can give you messages for your highest good. The messages from the Archeia are to assist you with overcoming your fears and limitations and live the life you deserve. 

Archeia Hope is my favorite to channel. Her frequency is truly the energy of hope. She is about being present in the moment with your decisions and taking action through a strategy that resonates with your soul.

Everyday is a good day for me because of Hope. 

As the divine compliment of Arch Angel Gabriel she fill the roll of a messenger. She has messages for everyone on planet Earth, no matter how small you think that matter is, her opinion is that matter is important. Archeia Hope comes in at the end of the channeling events to answer your questions and concerns wether they be personal or global.

Hope's uplifting answers can assist you with a strategy as to how you can assist yourself. 

There are some who have asked what does Hope look like. She will tell you she is pink. She is the color pink. Why? Pink is the color of love, it is a friendly color and she comes in different shapes and forms. 

The Archeia Hope has never been in human form. She has no intention of being in human form as she has many human messengers who assist her with getting the message of Hope out to the world.
She is quite lovely! 

Are you interested in meeting and recieving messages from your guides and angels? Try the Automatic Writing Meditation

See you soon!


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