Bringing Unity to the Community!

Bringing Unity to the Community

When Donna and I started A Gang of Girls Metaphysical School we wanted to create something we could give to the community. We created Free Tuesdays.

Let me explain Free Tuesdays, there are four events we put on each month. We do these events at 1pm & 7pm. This is our gift to our community, you!

Chakra Meditation
1st Tuesday of the month 1 PM  &  7 PM
Learn how to balance your chakras with our chakra meditation. We will begin with the basics of each chakra and then move into the meditation. Please be on time for this meditation it is a channeled meditation from Mary of Magdala. In this meditation you will also have an opportunity for ‘a little soul retrieval’.  It is a beautiful meditation! It lasts about a half hour.

Intention Circle 
2nd Tuesday of the month
1 PM & 7 PM
We will discuss the intention process & how to get clear about what you want in your life.  We will also write a list of intentions and gratitude's, speak them to the group & all agree to put the manifestation process in motion. We also sell the Intention Handbook by Tony Burroughs. Donna & I have witness many miracles from these circles!

When you are in a mindset of Gratitude, there is Hope & where there is Hope, there is love. Where there is Love anything is possible! Archeia Hope, Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Gabriel – The Divine Messengers

Blessing Circle
3rd Tuesday of the month
1 PM & 7 PM
We are blessing givers!  The wondrous Ascended Masters & Angels have given us the blessings to be shared with all who wish to receive.  Come & receive a Peace Blessing from Lady Yumanali, a Heart Attunement from Isis, Archeia Faith's Blessing, clearing all cords and energies not serving you at this time.  If you have a blessing you want to share we are open to it at our Blessing Circle!
We are also Deeksha Oneness Blessing Givers & will be performing the Oneness blessing as well.

Healing Energy Share
4th Tuesday of the month
1PM & 7 PM
Come Share your healing energy/modality.  We will each take a turn in the zero gravity chairs and receive the lovely healing energies.  If you do not have experience with energy, please come and feel how wonderful it is.  You are always welcome to give and receive the healing energy.

These events assist with bringing together like minded people to share their experiences and to have experiences. It is always wondrous to create new friendships and be apart on your community.

We do accept donations for Free Tuesday Events. The donations go to office supplies, some have asked about that.

On the Free Tuesdays Meetup page we also have our other Classes scheduled so you can plan for classes you might be interested in.

On Tuesdays Donna and I are open for services. Our services are their normal prices. We do intuitive readings, energy work, soul retrieval, channeled readings and more.

We are going into our third year with the Metaphysical School and we are so very grateful for your participation with the school! We will continue Free Tuesdays and remember it is our gift to you – so come and enjoy these fun and wondrous events!

'When you give from your heart to those around you, this is unconditional love. Charity teaches us about doing for others as we would do for ourselves and more!' Archeia Charity 
Auriel Grace


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