Angelic Tip of the Day - Hope

We are the Archeia Hope, Divine Compliment of our beloved Arch Angel Gabriel


We are the Divine Messenger and we oversee many messenger angels on your planet.  There are many who Channel my messages around your world. Today through this Channel Auriel Grace, our sister in human form, we wish to speak about changes on your world and much more.

There have been many civilizations on your planet. Always the people during this time have intended for change. Many have their own opinion how the world should change.  In order for your world to change for its highest and greatest good you must be my helpers, my messengers of Hope.

There is much talk about mass consciousness change. In order for that to happen many have to be in alignment. The personal question is – what change do I want? When you have decided on that change figure out a way to let others know in the best way you can.

In other times on your world change has been created by fear. Let’s change the way the message is worded and make it a message of Love and Compassion for your fellow humans. Perhaps you can create an intention of Peace or an intention of Love. You can start on a personal level –

I intend my heart is open and I am aligned with love.

Can you imagine if a multitude of people said and believed this daily how the world would change? We can and we advise you to start today.

Change starts with the attitude of one and ripples out into the masses. How wondrous is that?

We will remind you that you live on a duality world. This world is created like this so you can learn how to rise above the duality and be present in your life. Celebrate your life every day, no matter your circumstances. We understand there are those who struggle on your planet. We assist them every day by bringing the energy of Hope to them so they can rise above their situation of struggle and see there is more to their life, there is Hope.

Help those who you can, who will accept your assistance openly and with gratitude. Her are other intentions/gratitude’s –

I am so very thankful the quality of my life is beyond my wildest dreams!

I am so thankful all of my needs are met and more!

We are the energy that assists you with your intentions and gratitude’s. 

This is your school house and play yard, this Earth, your world. It is a wondrous and beautiful place to live. We ask you to live your life, be present in every moment you can. Listen to your heart and follow through with what you hear. You were created from the energy of Love. You carry the Divine spark with in you, you were created from the likeness of Gods and Goddesses, shine your light to the world so the world can shine their light back to you!

Bless you, thank you, We love you!
Archeia Hope

I am honored to be a trance Channel for the Archeia, the Divine Compliments of the Arch Angels. Please join us every third Friday of the month for the Channeling Events!


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