

Gaining clarity and focus is a practice especially in this world with so many situations happening at once. Many people feel like they do not have control over their lives. You do. You must decide what is important to you and how you want your life. Then follow through with common sense and inner guidance.

You know what inner guidance is, it is the message that comes into your mind that elevates and inspires you.

Everyone has guides and angels. Take a breath and focus on those wondrous beings. Have them stroke your cheek or hand to let you know they are there. Sit quietly with pen and paper and allow them to write their messages to you.

There are guides and angels created just for you to assist you in your everyday life. They are there to guide you on your journey, keep you healthy, mind, body and spirit. All you have to do is open yourself to that guidance.

Use the previous meditation blog to assist you in opening yourself up to the messages from your guides.  

How else can you assist yourself?

You can clear out old ways of being. We come into each lifetime with ‘Baggage’ from previous lifetimes. Sometimes that baggage really effects us in this lifetime. How does it affect you? Here are some examples -

You may feel guilt about your prosperity, you might have made a vow of poverty in several lifetimes. Were you a priest, nun or monk in a past life?

You might feel like you should be treated like royalty – were you royalty? Were you a good leader or did you have others do for you?

Do you feel powerless, a martyr? – Did you die for a cause and think you have to repeat this?

Receiving energy work such as Reiki or Soul Retrieval can help you relieve yourself of the baggage. Also through meditation, meditation is opening yourself up to messages from the Divine. First you must feel worthy of these messages. Remember you will feel elevated and inspired. It is up to you to follow through with your messages or guidance. If you do not follow through, don’t worry you will get the message until you do.

So balance your karma – forgive yourself and others who might have done you harm. This will assist you so much. The act of forgiveness is wondrous and freeing. With true forgiveness you relieve yourself of much of your baggage and have the clarity you deserve.

Look within and look at those who surround you. Those people that surround you, you have known in other lifetimes, what needs to be balanced and forgiven for you to be clear about you?

I have met many people on my journey who I have known in the past. Some of the meetings were joyous and lots of celebrating. Others not so, however I have forgiven much so I can move on and be in joy with my life.

Here is an example –

I met a man named Steve in Virginia. He came by where I worked everyday. He annoyed me and made me feel very frustrated. Then one day I looked at him closely to see why he annoyed me and I had a flashback of me hitting him in the head with a big rock and trying to escape from him.  So I took a nice deep breath and smiled at him. As I spoke to him, in my heart I forgave him for being a brute. After that his demeanor towards me was not so bully like. He became kinder and a good friend to me.

Do you see how forgiveness on my part changed the dynamic of the relationship? Forgiveness will set you free, truly.

Practice being clear. Look at the people in your world – who do you need to forgive? Remember to Forgive yourself for holding onto the energy of that event as well.

Auriel Grace


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