Psychic Tip of the Day - The Thinning of The Veils

When will I see with my Third Eye – Clairvoyance

When will I hear – Clairaudience

This is the time of the Thinning of the Veils. During this part of the ‘New Age’ many of you will want to see and hear your guides and angels.  This is the time to practice and work to open yourself to your Creator, Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters.

Everyone has these gifts to an extent. I say this because some of us had an event in our childhood when we saw or heard something and were either told that we didn’t see or hear or were frightened from the event. So we shut it down until we are ready to comprehend what is going on around us in the spirit world.

So now we are adults and we are asking to retrieve these gifts. How do we do this?
I am 45 years old and have been working as an Intuitive Reader/Healer for about 18 years, I am a trance channel for 8 years. Every day I am challenged with something new that helps me to expand myself to see more or hear more clearly. Some of what I see and hear often doesn’t make sense so I have to piece it together, think of a way to communicate to my client what I saw or heard. This is a challenge at times.

Often when you see or hear something it doesn’t make sense so the brain disregards and throws it in the recycle bin.  Now you must pay attention to those thoughts and images running through your brain. Do you have thoughts or inspirations that you would not normally think of? Do those ideas uplift you are they exciting and make your heart bounce? These are often ideas or inspirations from your guides, Ascended Masters or Angelics. Write down what you experience and piece it together until it makes sense to you. Trust yourself.

Everyday sit quietly and open yourself to communicate with your guides and angels. Just breathe, pay attention to your breath. Say ~ I am open and ready to receive guidance for my highest and greatest good. Keep a journal and write everything down you remember from your session. Practice and diligence is key to seeing and hearing.

Keep a dream journal as well, even if you only remember one idea from your dreams. The next day you may remember two ideas from your dreams and so on. By the end of the month you have a record of your dreams and you can put the ideas together ~ WooHoo! ~ You have a message from your guides and angels. 

Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of LOVE!


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