Psychic Tip of the Day- Taking Responsibility

The Universe wants you succeed in all of your endeavors. In my life I have come to realize this and trust that I will be provided for. I have traveled all over the United States working as an Intuitive Reader, Angelic Channel, Medium and Reiki Master. I have worked with people from all walks of life. The Universe has always provided for me and my children, I have a blessed life.
During this time of change in our world there are many people wondering if they will be taken care of ~ Have Courage ~ you will be provided for.
Ask the Universe to guide you, ask for signs, listen to your intuition and instinct. I know there is that Faith thing involved, perhaps trust is one of the issues you signed up to learn in this lifetime. Trusting the self often is the hardest concept we have in our lifetimes, dig down to your heart and see where that leads you.
Be courageous and take a leap, it might be the start of a great adventure for you. The Universe loves it when we take action and empower ourselves.
In my world, I have to get myself out and about in order to do my work. I have to take action everyday to provide for myself and my family. What do you do every day to provide for yourself? Do you like doing what you do? If you don’t, take steps everyday to find something you love, soon you will be doing just that.
So what do you want? How do you want it?
Be positive while you are manifesting what you want. Remember you may have to change some ideas you have in order to manifest your dreams and that is o.k., do not be harsh on yourself. Be kind, encouraging and love yourself so you do not block what you want. If you are an adult, you have been thinking a certain way for all your years, now you are creating change, it will take some time for change to happen, be patient and diligent.
While you are opening yourself to create your world you will get to know yourself better, many thoughts and ideas that serve you will become stronger within you every day. The ideas and thoughts that do not serve you will melt away and you will feel lighter and brighter. This enables you to be honest with yourself and how you truly want to live your life and what will give you the greatest joy.
People ask about their friends and family and what their reactions will be. My answer to this is, does it really matter what others think as long as you are healthy and happy?
Example: My Mother (yes I call her Mother) at first had a really hard time with me being me. It has taken 10 years of diligently setting up boundaries with her so we could have a positive relationship. I did not give up on her, I simply kept reminding her who I am and what I do for a living. She is always amazed that my life is always in a positive motion.
I have lost many friends on my adventure here on Earth. I have made many life friends, I am so very grateful for our relationships.  When you ask for change and you open yourself to receive your manifestations, you are opening yourself to growth and new adventures in your life.
I intend that you are healthy, happy, whole, guided, guarded, protected and connected to you own Divine Source! I say this intention for your highest and greatest good! So Be It! So It Is!
What are you waiting for?


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