Self Love
Love is energy, it surrounds us it is within our friends and family units. Love is everywhere. Love is within each of us. It is a main ingredient of life.
Why then do we avoid taking care of ourselves?
If we are parents it is most likely because when we do have free time we are so darn tired all we want to do is sleep, well until they are teen agers, then we don’t get any sleep until the kids move out.
We avoid it because we were taught it growing up. Anyone between 45-55 years old was probably around or raised by someone who lived during the great depression. Turn the lights off we don’t own the electric company, there are starving children in Africa – eat those canned peas and be grateful! Life is hard, I will do it or die trying – blah blah blah
The realization of life being hard – is not true is liberating. Your life does not have to be hard and you don’t have to hate your life or yourself. Once you are liberated from those thoughts and emotions, you start caring for yourself, you start saying – hey I am going to cut out high fructose corn syrup in my life because it is poisoning my body! That’s self love. You probably make those small decisions everyday and don’t realize you are loving yourself. Pretty cool ha? Well that’s just part of it.
For me I had to stop relying on the potential in others and start working on making my potential a reality.
Potential is nothing without energy. So if you have a lot of potential people around you without energy. Time to love yourself enough to walk away use your potential, make it a reality.
How many of you have been or realized this and are setting up some healthy boundaries for yourself?
Self Love + Healthy Boundaries = Equal Exchange of Energy
Love and honor yourself as much as you can, this means, eating well, making sure to take time for yourself, pick a career that you are comfortable with, something you enjoy doing. It is okay for you to change careers too.
Give yourself permission to have fun and enjoy your life – it is okay. Really enjoy your life, not pretend to be happy because every one else around you is happy.
That sounds funny right – that we have to give ourselves permission to be happy. A lot of us do. I have had to do it several times in my life. It is such a relief when you allow yourself happiness. Do it more often!
Stop being hard on yourself it blocks up your flow. When you are hard on yourself you shut down your inspiration and appreciation of life.
Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is kinda crazy right? Try something different, something you have always wanted to do and stick with it until you are happy with it. Then change something in it. When you do this you are challenging yourself, stretching to see how brilliant you can be.
We are spiritual beings, if we look at what we are in our entirety and start treating ourselves with love and honoring ourselves, we will live very loving, healthy, spiritual lives, no matter how we believe. Instead of compartmentalizing our lives, bring all of it into unity and treat ourselves with that energy, self love will be so easy to accomplish.
Next week we will be talking about Amethyst, the geography, form and structure, colors and metaphysical virtues.
Have a wonderful week!
Keep Your Heart Open and Aligned with the Energy of Love!
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