Archeia - Angelic Tip of the Day

The Archeia are the Divine Compliments of the Arch Angels. I have been channeling the Archeia for 9-10 years.The Archeia's messages are positive ways to empower the self. The Archeia are a resonance or vibration.

The first of the Archeia I channeled was Hope. I love to Channel Archeia Hope! She is the Divine Compliment of the Arch Angel Gabriel, they are the Divine Messengers. Archeia Hope always says She is a verb. She is always in motion. She is the energy that assists with your prayers and intentions. Archeia Hope is a wondrous being of Divine Light!

The second wondrous Archeia I channel is Archeia Faith, Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Michael. they are the guards, guides and protectors. The Archeia Faith is wondrously calm and patient in Her vibration. She guides you along your journey reminding you to be present so you do not miss an opportunity. She will assist you with clearing you energetically on all levels and will keep you safe and out of harms way, if you listen. Her message is how to honor your agreements you made before you came into this life. She gives especial blessings or messages for you of clearing out all ideas and thought patterns that no longer serve you. She asks you to start to see all living souls are your Soul Mates, see the specialness in all souls including your own.

Archeia Grace is the Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Uriel. She teaches us about the equal exchange of energy and how to bring balance to our lives. It is a life changing experience when Grace speaks of this idea. The energy of Archeia Grace is that of ease, elegance and wisdom. 
Archeia Charity is the Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Jophiel. She will speak to you about the vibration of Charity and how it changes your life and those around you. When you give from your heart to those around you, this is unconditional love. Charity teaches us about doing for others as we would do for ourselves and more!
Lord Melchizedek is an Elohim. He is wondrous and his messages are easily to utilize. Mostly he wants you to know he loves you and you should ~love you too.~
*In this day and age with so many distractions we have to remember our connections to one another, our spirit guides and our connection to our Creator. When we remember these connections great energy pours through us and we are able to support one another in our efforts. We remember every one is unique including ourselves and we utilize the gifts we chose to use in this lifetime.*
Archeia Joy/ Mother Mary ~ Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Raphael.
Ask the Archeia to help you in your endeavors; open yourself to their guidance and you will see your world change for the better. You will know it is the Archeia, you will feel uplifted and wondrous. You will feel as though you are very clear headed, follow through with their guidance.
Every day is a wondrous day because of them. They are most wondrous and helpful.  Their messages are for the betterment of mankind. They speak of the Earth as our school house. They let everyone know it is up to each individual to open themselves up and remember their Divine connection and their connections to each other. Be kind, be love, be compassionate to your fellow human beings. Treat them as you want to be treated. 


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