Psychic Tip of the Day - Just Breathe

One of the concepts that gets thrown out a lot is 'Just Breathe'. What does that mean?

When I left Virginia, I think the hardest thing I had to do was say good bye to my teacher, my Mother, my family. After I hugged her she told me 'I am only a breath away.' 

It took me a while to figure this concept out, to utilize it. 

This is it - Everyone, living or anyone who has passed into the veils, Ascended Master or Angelic is 'only a breath away'. You only need to think of that person and start breathing in what you remember about them. If you truly focus on that being you can be right next to them in seconds. Yes I understand that physical presence is best. Try this, you will find that you will understand so much more about the person. You will see the depths of your connection to them. You might even get glimpses of past lives together.

Breathing the person(s) in reminds you of your deep connections to them and a better understanding of who you are in their lives. It truly assists with understanding intimacy on a much deeper level!

So try it - Just Breathe! 

Let me know how it works out for you!


  1. This explains a lot! I was doing my family tree last weekend, and oh boy did I get visits!


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