When practicing intuition, part of it is understanding and paying attention to the signs and symbols or odd sayings that come to you. Oracles are like that in many ways. They pay attention to everything around them to receive guidance. Now we have oracle cards. On many of the cards are centered around nature and have saying on them for you to interpret how your intuition is guiding you. Delphi / Pytho - Sacred Site - This site is considered sacred as it is a place of different temples of the Gods since antiquity. There were the Oracles for Gaea and Apollo and a temple for Athena. Many treasuries from different countries were present on the temple site as well as The oracle first was a worshipper of Mother earth - Gaea, but later given or stolen by Apollo. Delphi is referred to as the navel of the Earth. It is the place where people worshipped Gaea and her temple was made from Olive branches from Tempe. Demeter and Poseidon also shared the temple to Gaea....