Guardian Angels & Meditation
Spirit guides can be our ancestors, our pets, they can be all kids of beings from ascended masters, cosmic beings saints, people from past lives, they are here to assist us on our journey and remind us of our perfection and divinity. Allow their guidance - Lady Nada & the pink Lightening Angels & Lord Melchizedek (Elohim) assist me with these shows and writing books. They are the ones that assist me with all those wisdom nuggets. Our Spirit guides and Angels are awesome as they see us as being wondrous - They are here with us because they choose too and were created to serve mankind. Angels are not religious beings Angels are Celestial Beings they are here to assist us for our highest and greatest good. They are not human and they do not have human habits. The Archeia are the Divine Feminine Compliments of the Arch Angels. The Archeia and Arch Angels compliment each other and assist with the betterment of mankind. Michae...