Bermuda Triangle & Other Anomalies
Bermuda Triangle & Other Anomalies The Bermuda Triangle is also know as the Devils Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean, covering the area of South Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Natural/Geological explanation - Compass Variations - because of magnetic anomalies that exist in the area - the Bermuda islands were formed by volcanic activity. Gulf Stream - Is a river within the ocean which originates in the Gulf of Mexico flows through the Straight of Florida that can carry away a small plane making a water landing or a boat having engine trouble. Violent weather - Hurricanes - Hurricane Alley A powerful downdraft of cold air is suspect of the cause of the Pride of Baltimore May 14 1986. The crew stated the wind came up quickly and violently. Methane hydrates - large fields of methane hydrates (a form of natural gas) on the continental shelves. It has been proven the bubbles from the methane have...