Santa Clause
Southwest turkey 1st century - birth place of St Nickolas? Circa 280 ad in Patara, Lycia - Present day Turkey. He used his inheritance from the death of his parents to help the poor and sick. He served as bishop of Myra, a city that is now called Demre. Nicholas is the patron saint of Children, sailors Saint Nicholas heard of a girl who asked her father to sell her into slavery so he would have money for her sisters dowry. When Saint Nicholas heard this he threw a bag of gold coins through their window. Which created the legend that -Saint Nicholas throws bags of gold down chimneys where the coins landed in stocking hanging to dry. Canonization in the ninth century - St Nicholas is a favorite saint around the world Amsterdam - St. Nicholas - Saint Sir Clause - reformation 1600 - feast was forbidden on the street. People could celebrate in their homes. Letters are placed in shoes for their wishes with a treat for Saint Sir Clause & his...