Archeia Hope's Message for 2017
Greetings. We are the Archeia Hope, Divine Compliment of Arch Angel Gabriel, Our Beloved! We have messages for you from the Arch Angels, Archeia and Angels! We want to start off with, yes we hear your prayers and intentions. We are assisting you on a personal level and globally! Our messages today will assist you through your 2017. We understand the years leading up to 2017 have been very chaotic globally for you and all living beings on Earth. ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - It will take years to bring these people to justice, to calm the middle eastern countries. We ask you to pray for these people, send prayers of love to them. There are many already who pray for a resolution to this conflict. Continue to do so. We also ask you to be aware of where you are when traveling. Be aware of who is around you and what is going on. Be present. It can and will save your life. Be aware of China. Many truths about gov...