A Psychic's Story
A Psychic's Story Series is a break down of all of the spiritual, metaphysical, holistic, paranormal and more adventures and teachings I can write about. There will be twelve book in this series that will cover, intuition, mediumship, Angels, Ascended Masters, chakras, energy, reiki, healing modalities, soul retrieval, archetypes, business and etiquette and more. I hope you enjoy them. I will be letting you know through this blog when the books are published so you can check them out to see if they resonate with you. The first book in the series is - Haunted covers some adventures I have had in the paranormal world. I also bring in the Angels that help me with clearing haunted places, people and objects. It is a helpful guide for those of you interested in this field. It is a kindle book .If you do not have a kindle you can get the Kindle App to use to read A Psychic Story Series. I am so excited as Haunted has taken off on the kindle!...