Pro-Life , Pro Choice- Being Responsible for YOU!
Pro-Life, Pro-choice - Being Responsible for YOU! Driving through Florida on I-75 is a very pretty drive. I loved all the lush vegetation. I felt good to see so much beautiful growth along the highway. Along the highway were Abortion billboards. I found it very disturbing that the message was 'having an abortion makes you a murderer.' WOW! Where are the signs about how wonderful a gift Adoption is? How about take responsibility with your body if you are going to have sex signs? Why aren't we trying to resolve the issue instead of creating ill feelings and guilt? This is something I do and have always said - Love and respect yourself enough to use birth control especially so you don't get STD's or pregnant. If you are not feeling you are ready to be a parent take care of yourself. Birth control methods are everywhere! Try Celibacy. That works too. Parents have conversations with your kids about birth control. Teach the boys about condoms o...