Setting Boundaries with Family Members
There are so many different kinds of people on this Earth. There are different kinds of families and traditions. We choose to be born into these families so we can learn lessons. Recently I have worked with families who are learning to set up boundaries and discipline themselves to keep the boundaries in place until there is resolution within the family. I am a single mother, I have raised four children and helped teenagers along the way. The first set of teenagers I worked with were runaways. They ran from abusive parents. I worked with the families to help set up boundaries so healing could occur specifically for the young people. I am changing the name of the one of kids, here is her story – Cassidy Cassidy had a history of drug abuse. Her parents were very religious and had very harsh expectations from their children, father was an alcoholic. Cassidy was the youngest and a daughter. She was sixteen when she came into my life. At first Cassidy did not want me t...